Our Newest Adventure!
Our newest Festler Adventure is……..
We are about to become out numbered!!!! Yup, you heard that right, number three is on its way and will arrive mid- December. [Yes… Another December Baby!]
It has been so hard to keep this secret and we knew we couldn’t wait the full 12 weeks, especially with this bump that keeps growing! So far everything is healthy & baby has a strong heartbeat. During my first ultrasound there were two sacs, however one looked like it wasn’t progressing. I ended up going in two weeks later to check on the progress of the second sac, but at the appointment it showed the second sac didn’t make it. Twins do not run in our family, so the shock when she told me it was a possibility was crazy.
When we found out we were expecting #3 a giant swarm of questions went through my head [Are we now going to have to turn the guest room into a nursery? Should we not find out the gender? Do I need a new stroller? Dang, we need another car seat! Crap, when’s morning sickness going to start?]
Don't worry it was just a minor panic moment. I know we have time to figure it all out. Our "problems" are very minor compared to other. And, yes... Morning sickness hit HARD and ALL DAY! Having two kids to chase after all day is rough being pregnant in your first trimester!
Oh and in my post yesterday, this is why we got a new car. Three car seats did not fit in our current vehicle.
I’ll hopefully be able to stay consistent on weekly pregnancy updates but definitely every two weeks for sure. I did keep tiny notes starting at 8 weeks on how things were going, so ill combine 8-10 weeks in a future blog post. Here are some funny outtakes. Let me tell you, kids + balloons and trying to take a picture do NOT go well ;)
Jack getting kicked in the head by Savi
We look forward to sharing our newest adventure with all of you!!!