Why I Joined Direct Sales
At one point in time we have all rolled our eyes at the good ole “direct sales” companies that are posted all over our social media. The random messages we have received, the videos people post or just the awkward conversations we have out in public with people. I won’t lie, some still to this day bother me.
As many of you know, I am categorized as working for a direct sales company. I have never thought I would be working for one of them. I get annoyed often by many that have approached me, or I have bought from and the products were not good at all. However, it all changed when I heard about the mission statement from Beautycounter. “Getting safer products in the hands of everyone.”
Since having kids, I have always searched for “safer” products. From food, personal care items and more, I have searched high and low. I realized it is so hard to find true safe products due to our government regulations. I can preach all day about Beautycounter and how bad the government is about regulating our personal care products but I will save that for another day ;) Beautycounter is one of the few companies that are transparent about what they use in their products. The biggest issue with the products we buy in store that say “natural” or “organic” is that it IS NOT either of those. I have been fooled all along. Companies have snuck these bad chemicals and toxins into our products by using key words like fragrance. This research is what sparked my interest in Beautycounter.
Yes, many of you are eye rolling right now. Everything is bad for us these days right? Wrong. People use that as an excuse to not care. And that’s totally fine! You have every right to do what you want. However, this is a problem when it comes to the personal care items we use daily and put on our kids. Trust me, in some aspects of my life I am not as knowledgeable about some items I use or stuff I put in my body. I’m learning daily and hoping to make better choices. Personal care items that myself and my children use every day is high up there for me. It is a proven statistic that there are chemicals in stuff people use every day that contain heavy metals [LEAD] or ingredients that alter and disrupt our hormones. I see way too many people struggling with fertility, cancer, and more medical issues that can very well be a cause of the many toxins and chemicals we are around every day.
That being said, I decided to join Beautycounter because they have a crazy-amazing mission that they fight for every day. They have people at the capital fighting for more regulations. They are transparent with everything they do and every product they produce. They truly support their consultants and customers is anyway they can. They will never take short cuts or cheat the system. Their products speak for themselves; High quality and work better than anything else I have used. Big things are happening with Beautycounter and I’m more than excited to be a part of it. We have some awesome partnerships coming up that will create so much exposure and awareness that I’d be kicking myself if I would have waited to join this company. More specifically, my team ran by Madison Hofmeyer [Mom blogger// espressoandcream.com], have been a blast to work with. They support each other, it isn’t always business & we have made some great connections. [So nice to have an outlet as a stay at home mom]
Target will launch a Pop-Up of Beautycounter products in the fall for up to 9 weeks or till supplies last. This is gain so much exposure and awareness to our company!
Yes, I work for a direct sales company, and I think it has been one of the best decisions I have made for myself and my family. I agree, there are some direct sales companies out there that still drive me nuts on how they conduct business. However, I have ran into MANY amazing direct sales companies that are not just in it for the “money,” they are there to create a healthier change in people’s lives and have quality products. I would also way rather support them versus the large box stores! Truly, Beautycounter is here to raise awareness about the products we use and making sure people are educated. High quality & safe products only!
If your interested in learning more about Beautycounter’s products & what we stand for or even the business side of it, I’d love to chat. Join the movement! [ Meredithfestler@gmail.com]