Wells Louis Birth Story Part 1
Sorry for the silence! We have been preparing and getting adjusted as a family of 5 [Woah!] The days leading up to Wells birth were SO long. Any mamas out there know what I mean. Once we hit 36 weeks [okay maybe earlier ;) ] we were just ready for the baby to come. I know I left you in the dust with my bump updates so you didn’t get a look into the last few weeks, so I will start there.
At my 36-week appointment I went in and found out I was a little over 3 CM dilated and already pretty effaced. Of course my doctor did the “oh I’m sure I won’t see you next week.” It would be wonderful if they could stop telling impatient pregnant women that! Then another week goes by and I head to my appointment ready to hear my progress. Since that appointment I had been having BH contractions; some became rhythmic and hurt. But…. Nothing. “You seem about that same as last week, but your sac is bulging.” Excuse me? What the heck does that mean? Basically part of the water sac is sitting in front of the baby’s head. My doctor then had to say “Oh, I’m sure you won’t be here next week. Be prepared your water could break soon.” Cue the squats, bouncing on the exercise ball and walking on the treadmill. However, nothing happened. 37-week appointment came around and again I was excited to see if I had progressed. I did! I’m fully effaced and still sitting with a bulging sac. As the days went by my contractions stayed about the same. They would come on strong around 11 am and again around 10 pm. Ultimately, they would just fade away.
Now, I know many of you will not agree with my decisions and what I'm about to describe next, but I'll respect yours if you respect mine. Deal. I trust my doctor and my instincts, and have had two wonderful and easy births prior to this one. At my clinic they will electively induce you at 39 weeks if you have a favorable cervix, which I had at 36 weeks with all my children. At my last appointment I was 38 weeks and 6 days, so we talked about being electively induced again. My number one goal was to have my actual doctor finally deliver my baby. But I was not “officially” 39 weeks the day she was on call next, which was the following day. So, we scheduled my induction for Friday December 9th.
During the night after my appointment I was so crampy [ typical when you get cervical checks] and my contractions started up again. However, they faded around 4 am. BOO! I wanted so badly to go into labor because my doctor was on call and my kids were in daycare that day so we wouldn’t have to worry about child care. I went on with my day then around noon cramping started to pick up. They were coming every 10 min then 7 min and didn’t really stop. However, they did not feel like the contractions I was having where they build up then go down. I sat there thinking, should I call or just wait it out until it “hurt.” I ended up calling and they said just come in and let’s monitor you for a bit. I honestly didn’t think much of it; you hear so many stories where women go in and are told to go home and labor. I called Steve and told him I'd justhim updated. There was no need for him to come unless we were actually being admitted. Once I got there they put all the monitors on and the sitting began. After being monitored for 20 min, the nurse came in and said you know your contractions are 4-3 min apart right? At that point they started to get really strong and I was getting super uncomfortable. My doctor finally came in and said “you ready to have a baby today?” THE BEST WORDS EVER!
I quickly called Steve and told him they were admitting me and going to break my water. I had him run home to change and grab my bag!
Part two coming soon…..