Bump Update 28 Weeks
Happy Weekend!!
I actually can’t believe I am already in my third trimester! I know there is still a lot of time left, but we see the light at the end of the tunnel. I still have yet to organize and try to find all of our baby stuff, but ya know…. third child syndrome I guess.
Many may not know, but I started working part time for an event planning company. Needless to say, life around this house has done a 180 and we are still trying to adjust to our new schedule. Finding balance has been our struggle lately but we will conquer it! Maybe once we find that balance [probably never will], I’ll share my tips ;)
I just had a good friend over [ who happens to be an awesome photographer!] and decided to play photoshoot this afternoon! I can’t wait to share the images with you guys!
I hope you all have an awesome weekend!!
How Far Along: 28 Weeks
Maternity Clothes: Still wearing a lot of my normal leggings with maternity tanks and my normal button ups or sweaters. The weather is getting cooler, so the dresses are starting to retire L
Symptoms: Oh my you guys! My belly has actually doubled in size, I swear. Most people I have not seen in two weeks usually say something like “WOAH, you have popped!” Why yes, yes I have. I don’t remember this happening so drastically with my other pregnancies. I have also had major cramping and stomach tightening the past two weeks. For two days straight I actually had to lay down for a few hours because it started hurting so bad. Chalk that up to the third pregnancy and having them so close together? My appetite has been very bipolar. One day I want nothing to do with food and the next day I can’t stop eating. Sleeping has been a losing battle. I wake up randomly through the night and can’t fall back to sleep for the life of me. One morning I got up at 5 am, made coffee and watched TV downstairs because I was SO awake!
Mood: Meh. I am to that point where I am in the 3rd trimester and everything is getting larger and more uncomfortable. It doesn’t help that I know it will just get worse as the weeks go one, but at least I know that means we are closer to meeting this little one! [Then the chaos begins!] My energy is also very bipolar. Some days I am wonder women and accomplish everything and other days I don’t even get around to brushing my hair.
Missing Anything: Taking it back to the early weeks in pregnancy; I miss bloody mary’s again!! Someone will have to make me one in the hospital. I also miss being able to put my shoes on like a normal person.
Workouts: Still going good! My motivation to workout at home has gone downhill but that just means I get to go to some pretty awesome classes throughout the week :)